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infrared active中文是什么意思

用"infrared active"造句"infrared active"怎么读"infrared active" in a sentence


  • 红外活性
  • 红外激活的


  • The pyrolysis process of the cmf aerogel was investigated firstly by means of ir technique . the results showed an infrared active vibration occured in the temperature range of 400 - 600 " c , which was corresponding to the tubstatic graphitized structure formed hi these aerogels
    采用ir分析技术跟踪c _ mf气凝胶的热解过程,发现400 600之间样品中出现石墨化结构的红外活性振动,表明炭气凝胶的微结构中开始有乱层石墨化微晶出现。
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